Excel Shortcut Keys

Here’s a comprehensive table of commonly used Microsoft Excel shortcut keys:

Shortcut Key Function
Basic Operations  
Ctrl + N Create a new workbook
Ctrl + O Open an existing workbook
Ctrl + S Save the current workbook
Ctrl + W Close the current workbook
Ctrl + P Print the current workbook
Ctrl + F Open the Find dialog box
Ctrl + H Open the Replace dialog box
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action
Editing and Navigation  
Ctrl + X Cut selected cells
Ctrl + C Copy selected cells
Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut cells
Ctrl + D Fill down from the cell above
Ctrl + R Fill right from the cell to the left
Ctrl + A Select all cells in the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys Select the entire data range in the direction
Ctrl + Arrow Keys Move to the edge of the data region
Ctrl + Home Move to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl + End Move to the last cell used
Alt + Enter Start a new line within a cell
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + 1 Open the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough the selected text
Ctrl + Shift + $ Apply the currency format
Ctrl + Shift + % Apply the percentage format
Ctrl + Shift + # Apply the date format
Ctrl + Shift + @ Apply the time format
Ctrl + Shift + ^ Apply the scientific format
Rows and Columns  
Ctrl + Spacebar Select the entire column
Shift + Spacebar Select the entire row
Ctrl + Shift + "+" Insert new row or column
Ctrl + "-" Delete the selected row or column
Formulas and Functions  
Alt + = Insert the AutoSum formula
Ctrl + ` (Grave accent) Show or hide formulas
F2 Edit the active cell
Shift + F3 Open the Insert Function dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Enter an array formula
Worksheet Management  
Ctrl + Page Up Move to the previous worksheet
Ctrl + Page Down Move to the next worksheet
Shift + F11 Insert a new worksheet
Ctrl + F4 Close the current workbook
Ctrl + Tab Switch between open workbooks
Other Useful Shortcuts  
F4 Repeat the last action
F12 Open the Save As dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove a filter on a column
Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl + F2 Open Print Preview
Alt + H + O + I AutoFit column width
Alt + E + S + V Paste Special (Values)
Shortcut Key Function
Basic Navigation  
Ctrl + Left Arrow Move to the farthest left cell in the data region
Ctrl + Right Arrow Move to the farthest right cell in the data region
Ctrl + Up Arrow Move to the top cell in the current data column
Ctrl + Down Arrow Move to the last cell in the current data column
Page Up Move up one screen
Page Down Move down one screen
Alt + Page Up Move one screen to the left
Alt + Page Down Move one screen to the right
Ctrl + G Open the Go To dialog box
F5 Open the Go To dialog box (same as Ctrl + G)
Ctrl + Shift + * Select the current data region (surrounded by blank rows and columns)
Shift + Arrow Keys Extend the selection by one cell
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Select the entire worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + Home Select from the current cell to the beginning of the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + End Select from the current cell to the last used cell
Data Manipulation  
Ctrl + Shift + K Insert a comment
Ctrl + Shift + F Open the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab
Ctrl + Shift + P Open the Format Cells dialog box with the Font Size tab
Ctrl + Shift + & Apply outline border to the selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + _ Remove outline border from the selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + O Select all cells with comments
Pivot Table Shortcuts  
Alt + D + P Open the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard
Alt + J + T + F Refresh all data in the Pivot Table
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow Ungroup data in Pivot Table
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow Group data in Pivot Table
Data Entry and Formulas  
Ctrl + ; (semicolon) Enter the current date
Ctrl + Shift + ; (semicolon) Enter the current time
Ctrl + Shift + U Expand or collapse the formula bar
Ctrl + Enter Fill the selected cells with the current entry
Shift + Enter Complete the cell entry and move up one cell
Tab Complete the cell entry and move to the right
Ctrl + Shift + T Create a table from the selected data
Advanced Excel Shortcuts  
Ctrl + Alt + V Open Paste Special dialog box
Ctrl + Alt + F9 Recalculate all worksheets in all open workbooks
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 Recheck dependent formulas and recalculate all cells
Ctrl + Shift + U Toggle the display of the formula bar
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H Open the Excel Help window
Ctrl + Shift + L Toggle autofilter on and off
Cell Referencing  
F4 Cycle through absolute and relative references in formulas
Ctrl + ` (Grave Accent) Show or hide formulas in cells
Ctrl + Shift + A Insert function arguments after typing the function name
Protection and Security  
Alt + T + P + P Open the Protect Sheet dialog box
Alt + T + P + S Open the Protect Workbook dialog box
Ctrl + 1 Open the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + P Open the Font Size dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + L Apply or remove filters on the columns
Window and Workbook Management  
Ctrl + N Create a new workbook
Ctrl + O Open an existing workbook
Ctrl + S Save the current workbook
F12 Save As dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + S Save all open workbooks
Ctrl + F4 Close the current workbook
Ctrl + Tab Switch between open workbooks
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks or windows


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